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Informaţii despre obiectul The Balmoral Hotel

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  • The Balmoral Hotel

The Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - HoteluriThe Balmoral Hotel: Cazare în hoteluri Edinburgh – Pensionhotel - Hoteluri
Nume:  The Balmoral Hotel
Stradă:  1 Princes Street
Oraș:  EH2 2EQ Edinburgh
Stat:  Anglia
Hartă:  du-te la hartă
Prețul mediu:
1058 lei

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Quick description

Located on Princes Street, The Balmoral has a Michelin-starred restaurant, a pool and a gym. Waverley Station and Edinburgh's main shopping area are within 5 minutes' walk. First opened in 1902, The Balmoral now offers rooms with a spacious marble bathroom and an interactive TV. Many rooms have views towards Edinburgh Castle and the Old Town. Number One Restaurant provides a fine dining menu, while Hadrian's Brasserie offers informal dining atmosphere. Palm Court features afternoon tea and the Balmoral Bar serves innovative cocktails in a relaxed setting, while The Scotch offers over 400 varieties of Scottish Whisky. With a sauna and a Turkish steam room, The Balmoral Spa features 5 treatment rooms and an exercise studio. With its own splendid clock tower, The Balmoral offers 5-star accommodation in the heart of Edinburgh. The city’s airport is a 25-minute drive from the building.

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